2022 Legislative Day

Legislative Day by Zoom

“What Influences Legislators’ Voting Behavior”

Lauren Kuby, Kris Mayes, Thomas Collins and Jodi Liggett

February 1, 2022 

10:00 AM by Zoom

Register by 1/30/22 at Noon!


Lauren Kirby - Tempe, AZ Council Member

Lauren Kuby is a member of the Tempe, Arizona City Council. As a Tempe council member, she has led Tempe’s efforts for social, economic, and environmental justice, including equal pay, earned sick days, affordable housing, climate action planning, government transparency, and campaign-finance reform. 

Kris Mayes is a reporter and lawyer who is a Professor of Practice at Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law and a former member of the Arizona Corporation Commission

Kris Mayes
Thomas Collins - Exec Director

Thomas Collins is the Executive Director of the Arizona Clean Election Commission  –  a five-member board that administers and enforces Arizona’s Clean Election Act.  As Executive Director, he is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the board including its education and campaign finance programs.

Jodi Liggett, AAUW AZ Policy Consultant, is the founder of the Arizona Center for Women’s ,Advancement – the first think tank by and for Arizona Women that provides information and advocacy to women working to improve their communities.  She is an experienced public policy professional with experience in government, nonprofits, and private industry. 

Jodi Liggett, AAUW AZ Policy Consultant